What up with constant visiting viruses to our house this season?
Pink Eye 101:
Warm compresses spell relief.
Being on house arrest (so not to infect other unsuspecting eyes) really bites.
We have, however, built a four-foot marble tower in our spare time.
In our other spare time we’re really loosin’ our marbles.
I always thought I’d like to try using pink somewhere in the house.
My verdict…it ain’t so pretty.
I’ve never really been a fan of pink. Bleck. Praying for you little men, Mama!
Oh no!! Hope you are all on the mend soon enough.
Props on the massive marble tower…
Love pink but not in the eyes!! We have the same green and white pillows I used mine in the playroom bed here
If you feel up to taking a peek. Good luck with the boys and the touch of pink!! Kathysue
Hope they feel better soon.
Oh those poor little red cheeks. ๐
I love looking at your home and DYI ideas. I live in Gilbert and am considering having custom slipcovers made for a couple chairs – wh odid you have do them for your sofas and are they statewide?
aww…poor things! They are adorable!
Oh the little darlings.. it breaks my heart when they get sick. Great distractions always help…keep building those towers! A-M xx
Oh poor baby!! I HATE pink eye!! Hope he’s found some relief for it!!
Be sure to change the pillowcases often and use some Lysol spray on the pillows before putting the pillowcases on.
At least they have a good nurse/mom for eye packs.
Hope you’re all on the mend.
Only thing worse is rattle snake bite…although how would I know that???
Oh I know what you mean. The virus monster has been hanging here for a while too! My daughter is just getting over strep and that was no picnic. Body rash and fever does not make for a happy princess or mom! Hope your little ones are feeling better!
Pink is one of my fave clors.but pink eye not so much.
Hope you all feel better soon! =)
I’m not a big pink fan. HOpe your kids get better soon. I love all of your ideas.
Try Googling “custom slipcovers Gilber, AZ” and see what comes up. The lady that does mine is great but I believe she’s custom for Tucson. You can also ask your favorite fabric stores if they have any good references. Email me if you need my lady’s contact info.
Poor things!
poor little guys! And poor mama too… hopefully you are surviving!
At least your pillows look cute ๐
i hate that! i dont wish it on anyone.
just discovered your blog and love it!
must know about those green pillows! where did u get them?
Poor little men ๐
Poor little guys…I remember those days!
Poor little guys. Do they ever sit on the couches? Or is it easier to see the tv from the floor in front of the ottoman? Just wondering…………..
i’m sorry your kids are sick! bummer! hey, i LOVE your “spring yellows” post and i was wondering if i could give a little shout out to you/that post on my design blog! please let me know! thanks!
That really doesn’t sound fun, but little Nash does look adorable lying there with the wash cloth on his eyes. Hope everyone is feeling better soon!
Yuck, I feel for you. We had a rough winter, ear infections, stomach flu, bronchitis. You name we had it. Hang in there, at least the medicine works on contact.
Found the green pillows at Home Goods a couple months ago.
That’s a funny question! My boys mostly sit on the floor because our tv is too small to see from our sofas…I wonder if I can make my own DIY tv? They use the sofas primarily for flipping and jumping on.
LOL– time to upgrade to a big screen! ๐
I just wanted to say that I know your boys are sick, but something about seeing sick kids with their little squeezable chubby cheeks is so sweet to me. Can you tell that my “baby” is now 12? Enjoy this time, if you can, it’s great that you are documenting it. And by the way, I stayed up waaay too late the other night because I’m new to your blog and had to go through it from the beginning. You’re a rockstar and I will be stealing your MANY ideas!
I just discovered your blog and LOVE your style. I hate that your little men are sick. Pink eye must be so irritating.
I also love your bedroom. I was at Home Goods today and saw some beautiful lemon accessories that I came home dying to find somewhere for. I think I know now it will have to be my bedroom!!
Hope the boys are better soon.