If you tuned in last Friday to check me out on the Studio 5 tv program you may have discovered I was m.i.a.
There was my project, there was lots of mention of my name but no Michelle. At 4:00 am I woke up that morning with the WORST vertigo I have ever experienced in my life. Seriously, I had to call in and cancel last minute, the day of because of Vertigo? I know, I still can’t believe whatever that was hit me like a mack truck. If you’re not familiar with what Vertigo is…it similar to being on the spinning Teacups ride at Disneyland while standing still. I’ve had mild symptoms before in my life just a few times. Nothing can compare to what I experienced on Friday. I got out of bed to try and right myself and literally tipped right over. The room was spinning so violently I couldn’t focus on anything and tossed my cookies all day. Vertigo is mainly caused by fluid building up in the ear and throwing your equilibrium off. Strange because I had no other symptoms of feeling ill, no cold, no headache, just a spinning room. Oh, the nausea! 48 hours later and I’m about 90% better. Big thanks to producer Stephanie for stepping in at the last minute and pinch hitting, she did a fab job (Studio 5 segment).
While I was on my roller coaster from He%* my sweet husband did a little landscaping project.
This long patch of dirt is always a constant mud puddle because the spicket is right there.
He first put down some weed barrier, then cut a hole out for the plant.
After the row of “Sweet Flag Variegatus” grass were planted he filled everything in with rocks.
This flagstone stepping stone is another upcycle from our 1970’s fireplace project.
Looks great honey.
Vertigo stinks! Are you sure you don’t have migraines causing the vertigo? That is what I have and tons of women experience it. I’m on a preventative now that has helped a ton. My Doc told me that most women think it is fluid or crystals in the ear but it is a form of migraines and that most of us suffer through them. Good luck!
My mother also suffers vertigo. It terrifies me whenever this happens to her. I am glad you are nearly back to 100%.
The Mr’s landscapre project looks wonderful! I love how you have reused the flagstone. I have done something similar at the corners of my driveway entrance and mailbox area using black polished river stones and Blue Rug Juniper ground cover. It makes for a very nice finished look.
I had a severe case of vertigo about 10 years ago and it was the worst! I had it for about 3 days, could only lay on my right side and ended up in the ER dehydrated from throwing up so much, I couldn’t even keep sips of water down. The Doctor said it was due to an inner ear infection, although I had no other symptoms. I feel your pain!
Yes! That was exactly my experience (minus the ER)…but I couldn’t lay on my left side. Weirdest thing! Wouldn’t with that on my worst enemy!
I’ve been reading your blog and really enjoy it…I am so sorry you were in such pain. I have BAD motion sickness but I discovered motioneaze.com and di-vertigo.com. They have worked wonders for me 🙂 Wanted to share with you!
YAY! I must try immediately.
I experienced vertigo a few months ago after strep throat. Dr said it was crystals in my ear & a lot of ear wax in one ear (gross). But I’m thinking they are more related to anxiety/panic attacks. Sweating like crazy, hot & beyond dizzy. Makes u useless, no driving – it was brutal. I’m still dizzy when I lay down. Prop your head up high when u go to bed.
Oh man, you poor thing. I hope you get over it very soon!
Gosh the vertigo sounds terrible. Glad you are feeling better. Your husband did a lovely job on the landscaping.
Vertigo is the worst! I have Meniere’s Disease and had serious bouts of vertigo in the past. If you have any questions please feel free to email me. Hope you have a speedy recovery.
When I hear vertigo, I think pregnant! I had never had vertigo, ever, in my life, until my last pregnancy. Then one morning I just woke up and the room was spinning. I thought the vomiting was still morning sickness but I have NEVER experienced such dizzying naseau…until I was diagnosed, etc. I think it was strictly a pregnancy symptom because I haven’t had it since! Here’s hoping neither of us ever have that again – it’s AWFUL!!
As if pregnancy isn’t hard enough! You poor thing!
Vertigo is the absolute worst! I have had vertigo in the past. Finally went to an allergist/ENT and I was not only diagnosed with allergies but had a blocked eustachian tube. I swear by two things. One is a nasal spray called Astelin. Two a cool mist vaporizer each night and I have not had another bout of vertigo in almost 5 years! Give the cool mist vaporizer a try. VICKS makes a really awesome one without a filter. Target carries it. Good Luck!
Yay! Will do! Thank you!
So, my trick (because I have experienced it off and on through the years), is to massage behind my ears (usually my right one), putting pressure on it and rubbing in a downward motion following the eustachian tube down my neck. This is THE only thing that has ever worked for me and I had been to countless Drs. saying particles, crystals, inner ear infections, allergies, neck issues etc etc. Any time I feel remotely plugged up or slightest tinge of dizziness come on, I do this and I never have it get bad. Sometimes doing this hurts a little or I will hear my ear pop, but it beats the alternative. Experiencing this sickness makes you realize how grateful you are for health!
Thank you, thank you for sharing your trick. I’m going to try that next time. Yes, I wouldn’t wish this condition on my worst enemy.
I too have been diagnosed with BPPV for my vertigo. I had an episode 48 hrs ago and still having nausea. Hugs – I know how you feel. BTW, the landscape is lovely, something that can be done in a jiffy, will pin it.
Hi Michelle–
I noticed you said that you can’t lay on your left side. That would indicate something called BPPV which means the crystals that act like a snowglobe in our ears and tell our brain if we are in motion or not, some of the crystals have gone into the wrong area of your ear. I first got this when I rolled over in bed one morning and I did exactly what you did. The GREAT news about this is that it can be solved by something called the Epley Maneuver which a knowledgeable physical therapist or chiropractor or balance clinic can do for you. You can also Google “epley maneuver” and it will give you step-by-step instructions that your husband could do for you, trying to get those crystals back in the right place. ((hugs)) ~Carolyn
SO GOING TO TRY THIS! Thanks…I’ll let you know how it turns out! BTW, was it immediately relief? Did you actually stay upright for the full 48 hours?
Hi Michelle–
I’ve had 3 major episodes of BPPV, each of them caused by something innocent like bending over while working out, rolling over in bed, etc. Sorry to say that each episode (for me) has lasted longer than the last. My latest episode was the worst– the spinning did not stop for several days and I could not sleep laying down for 3 years and also couldn’t lean to the right or it would set the spinning off & I’d be violently ill for about 6 hours., I had to stay propped up in bed. For three years, Misery! I happened to be talking about my problem to a distant relative who is an audiologist and described my symptoms and she knew right away what was wrong. The way you know it’s BPPV is if holding your head in a certain position sets off the spinning. Anyway, by the time I talked to this relative it was 3 years after the fact and I was fine during the daytime but still had to sleep in a very specific position. The Epley Maneuver worked immediately– I was able to sleep flat & it was heaven! I imagine that it would take the vertigo away for you quite quickly once you can get those crystals back into their proper place. You’ll find very good instructions with diagrams through Google. and it will walk you through all the steps. Luckily for us, this is just a mechanical problem with our ears that can be fixed quickly, unlike the other forms of Vertigo.. There are even instructions on how to do the Maneuver by yourself–good to know because if you’re like me you’ll be hit with it only when the hubby’s out of town 🙂 I’ve got my fingers crossed for you & hope to see you on Studio 5 soon!!
3 years!? You poor thing. I keep hearing wonders about the Epley Maneuver. I’m going to have to try it. Thank you for sharing your story. It’s nice to know I’m not alone in this and that there is a possible, easy cure.
Has your doctor ever mentioned Meniere’s Disease. My wife has it and her symptoms sound just like yours. She has medication that she can take when she feels it coming on.
Hey! Loved your husbands landscaping job! So wonderfully colorful. In fact, I was wondering if you would be so kind as to tell me where your husband found those colorful stones ? I’ve been looking for something just like that! Thank you so much and I pray the vertigo is a thing of the past to never return! Amen! Diane
Home Depot. 🙂
Thx to you and your hubby for helping me in my yard project!