While killin’ some time before picking my oldest from preschool my littlest man and I found ourselves at a thrift store (killing time + thrift store = dangerous combination). I found these two bookends.
One coat of spray paint…GIDDY-UP!
I paid a lot less than this $79.00 version from Z Gallerie!
Great Finds =)
Those are gorgeous! Great find!
Awesome find!
Confession: I would have NEVER picked them up!
They look brilliant painted!
Those are awesome! I actually like the bronze color they were originally but the white fits your room style more.
You are a genius! I am totally copying that idea.
It’s fun shopping junk stores and finding cool stuff to recycle. My husband is good at finding the stuff for me to re-work.
Wonderful find! Those bookends look wonderful painted white. Well done!
Wow, You have an amazing eye!!!! I would have never in the days of my life thought about painting them white.
After this amazing make over they look as if you bought them at ZGallerie, Way to go!!!
New follower, Was referred to your blog after your bedroom make over. I have been looking for grey & yellow inspirations. 5 Stars for you!!!
Would you mind sharing with us on each post some detail information for example paint colors.
Thanks a million, keep up the amazing DIY master pieces!!
spray paint works wonders…
Wow I want some! Great eye!
Beautiful…I love the new color. This is my first time to your lovely blog – I will be back!
I love that your “inspiration” binder is the biggest one.
I adore your blog!!! And your writing style 😉 Everything is so inspiring, so glad I found you!
Everyone is commenting on your thrift store find, but what I love is your organizing your life into binders! I do the same thing with my decorating, volunteering, work, etc. Sigh…love it girl, love it big time.
When I saw that picture I thought they were giant horse statues, and was wondering what you were doing with em. ha but yes bookends! very good Idea =)
I love them… I think spraypaint is codeword for magic!