Earlier this year I was dropping one of the carpool boys off to his home. I pulled up in the driveway to find his very pregnant mother in the garage using some intimidating-looking power tool making a train table / coffee table. I first scolded her, insisting that she should be inside eating Bon-Bon’s or something. Then I questioned what on earth would posses her to do such an ambitious project…PREGNANT, no less!?
“Ana White” she told me. Of course I rushed right home and Googled her.
If you don’t know about Ana, she is a stunning, long-haired brunette who calls Alaska home, drives carpool, makes dinner, tucks her kids in…all normal stuff. Oh yeah, and she built her own house and everything in it. She inspires millions of women (mostly) to make their own furniture. Anyone who can have that much influence to call women to action is nothing short of amazing.
Her blog offers free furniture plans to hundreds of projects.
There is also a section which shows off reader’s projects using her plans which are jaw-dropping.
The exciting news is that she just came out with a book called The Handbuilt Home which offers furniture plans, pictures, directions, shopping lists, etc. Everything one would need to complete a piece start to finish. Written by a woman, for women (and men love it too, I’m sure).
The Handbuilt Home is seriously, my new favorite book.
I’m so motivated to go build my own dining table now.
*I received this book to review for free. Thoughts and opinions are my own*
I agree Ana White is one inspiring woman! I have butt loads of inspiration gathered from her site hoping to build some piece of furniture one day (once I get over my fear of power tools!)….did I really just say “butt loads”?
Hello. Que mulher corajosa, tenho medo de mexer nas ferramentas elétricas e ela constrói móveis e casa, que coragem. Ela é uma pessoa inspiradoras.
Have a nice week.
Will Ana be offering a discount code to 4M1L readers?
I totally agree- she has some really amazing things out there. I’d trust any of her tutorials to turn out amazing!
HA! This post makes me smile seeing that I totally sent you the link to her blog ages ago… queen diy-er, yourself, of course would love her stuff… glad to see you finally came around to the Ana White fan club!!
We just made one of her bunk/loft beds. Her plans are simple and easy to understand. Having said that, I picked out the pattern, and my hubby built it. So it was a little easier on my part. 🙂
I love Ana White! She is a genius and I love her.. “You can do this attitude!”
After dinner my son found me in the garage where I’m building an outdoor coffee table. He was like, “Mom, you are so hard core, you should teach the other mommies to be bob the builder.” I love it!