Thanks to BISSELL for sponsoring today’s discussion.
This is what happens when you’re trying to rush three kids and yourself out the door for a morning school singing performance.
An entire blender full of raspberries, spinach, pineapple and orange on my vintage Persian rug.
I panicked, grabbed a towel and started to try and rub it out which really just rubbed it in more. (I don’t think clearly in pressure filled situations).
This was the kind of emergency that needed attending to NOW.
Then I had visions of my kids in therapy as adults retelling about the time their mom decided her rug was more important than supporting her kids in their school performance.
So I threw in the towel (literally), locked the door and left a berry fruit smoothie to marinate in that beautiful rug for the next two hours.
This is no lie…when I got home a new BISSELL ProHeat 2X® Premier 47A23 Upright Deep Cleaner that I agreed to review was sitting on the doorstep.
What can I say? God works in mysterious ways.
Talk about timing.
I tore in to that thing faster than you can blink and put it to work.
Unfortunately I didn’t get a picture of the machine doing it’s thang on the rug…kind of hard to take a selfie while cleaning your carpets but here’s the result:
I had to go over it a couple of times and honestly I didn’t think it would work but there is absolutely no evidence of the smoothie having ever spilled there.
This is what the water looked like after the second go-over.
Yeah, that’s gross.
I was a little alarmed when I pulled this out of the catcher:
The instruction booklet did warn that this may occur on fuzzy carpets or rugs and they were right.
At first I thought the neighbors cat might have snuck in and I sucked him up by accident.
The Bissell has a spinning brush that acts like a comb brushing all the excess stuff that often sheds. It also has some serious suction. My dry vacuum comes no where close to pulling out the amount of gunk that the Bissel pulled out.
Now that I tackled that rug it was time to move on to my next little rug that I recently found at a consignment store.
I’m always a little leary about bringing home pre-owned rugs.
I’ve heard horror stories about people bringing home pre-owned rugs which was home to a colony of bugs. (Insert body shiver).
I was glad to bring it in and clean it immediately with the Bissell.
My new/old rug is a perfect welcome for my front door.
Last but not least our super-sized living room area rug. Gray is a tricky color. You’d think it would hide more dirt than it does but nope…every stain shows.
I first hit the heavy traffic areas with Bissell’s Deep Clean Pro solution and let it soak in for about 5-10 minutes.
Next I put the machine to work. I did a once-over on the entire rug, making sure to give a little more attention to the high traffic areas.
Bring on Christmas!
My honest opinion? I would highly recommend the BISSELL ProHeat 2X® Premier 47A23 Upright Deep Cleaner for the following reasons:
–It works. (If it didn’t I would have informed Bissell I couldn’t write a positive review and ask them if they still wanted me to publish my post).
–Use it the instant a spill occurs. You never know when you’re going to spill an entire smoothie on your rug and need a carpet cleaner in a pinch. With this machine you can do it yourself the moment you need to (or 2 hrs later).
–Flexibility and freedom. When you hire a professional carpet cleaning company you feel like you’ve got to have them clean every room in your home whether the carpets need to be cleaned or not. Having this machine gives you the flexibility to clean only those places you need to clean, when you need to clean them.
–Professionals only do a once-over. You know that old saying, “If you want a job done right you’ve got to do it yourself”? That applies here. This machine is a DIY’ers dream. After seeing how much nasty, dirty water I pulled out of my rugs after two go-overs I’m convinced that most professional carpet cleaning companies aren’t getting your carpets as clean as they could be. I’ve hired several companies over the years to clean my carpets. They normally put really harsh chemicals on your carpet, do a once-over and leave. This machine is a force to be reckoned with but you can go over your carpets and rugs as many times as you need to. No once-over and out.
–Money Saving. I’ve paid as much on two visits for professional services that this machine costs alone.
Intrigued? Hop on over to their site to download a coupon and learn more about the BISSELL ProHeat 2X® Premier 47A23 Upright Deep Cleaner and BISSELL carpet cleaning formula with Scotchgard™ Protector .
I was given a Bissell ProHeat Upright Clearner and Cleaning Solution to review. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.
I got my Bissell Pro-Heat a few years ago on deep discount because a few attachments were missing. I have seriously loved it! The problem I ran into was hard water deposits clogging the inner parts, so now no water will come out. E-How and You-Tube have videos explaining how to fix it, but it has proved too difficult to disassemble…I am saving up to take it to my favorite vacuum repair place, [I don’t yet know how much that will cost.] Darn it! It really is a great little machine and I miss having clean carpets. I have recommended Bissell to anyone who asks, but maybe using distilled water for the last tank of water might prevent the deposits from forming…?
That is a great tip…I didn’t even think about that. Thanks Jenny, distilled water for sure. Merry Christmas!
OK – I am sold. This beats the struggle of getting a rental unit I usually get or the carpet cleaning man. Cant beat having one on hand for emergencies like spilled smoothies – yuk! Will come in handy after the holiday traffic through my house.
Thanks for the review!! I went to the site and discovered one of their machines designed specifically for pets…I’m feeling confident that machine will work just as well as the Pro heat you reviewed. I probably would be more hesitant without your write up though, so thank you.
Yay! You’ll have to let me know how it works out when you get it!
Where are those two chairs with the sheepskins on them from?!
More about those chairs here:
It looks great! I’ve been thinking about getting one of those. My concern is the smell after. Do you get that wet dog smell and how long doest it take for the carpet to dry? TIA
I did get that smell with the smaller rug that I have at my door’s entrance but I think you’d get that smell even if a professional did it. The smell wasn’t knock you over smell it but it did smell a bit wet dog-ish. To be honest I only noticed it when I was standing right over it cleaning it. Once I put it in its place to dry I didn’t notice the smell again and haven’t since. Hope that helps! 🙂 Michelle
I am so curious how you managed cleaning your living room rug over the hardwood? I have a large rug over hardwood that desperately needs cleaned but I thought getting the wood wet under it would ruin it. I’ve brainstormed every way I can think of to do it with no luck! Would love any advice!
That’s a good question. I have a thick rug pad under my living room rug that has a plastic coating on one side so no water can soak in to it. Depending on it’s size I wonder if you can put a tarp or plastic under it until it dries?
Wow, I need a pad like that! I’ve thought about trying the tarp idea… May give it a go!
Kristin, let me know what you end up doing and how it works. Good luck!