No wonder my computer died on me last week. I would have had a heart attack too if my innards looked like this.
In other events, I about went in to cardiac arrest when this little man wiped out his skateboard. Oh, the screaming and crying when he stood up, blood running down his face! A round of heart attacks for everyone…on the house.
Oh, wow…yes, I see why it didn’t last! Janell
Oh, wow…yes, I see why it didn’t last! Janell
Oh, wow…yes, I see why it didn’t last! Janell
Oh, wow…yes, I see why it didn’t last! Janell
Oh, wow…yes, I see why it didn’t last! Janell
Oh Michelle! I remember those days – the scream that pierces your heart & the instant frantic rush to get outside and see that your precious is ok. Poor baby! I feel both your pain. Extra kisses for him today.
Everyone looks to Mama to fix the boo-boos…even the Dell.
Aw…you just took me back about 20years when my brother wiped out on his skateboard to! Looked just like this little guy! Hope he feels better!!!
What a sad little hurt face!! π
aww i hope he feels better soon and im sorry for your dell…
Ouch! Reminds me of riding my sister down a hugh hill in Billings and losing control of the bicyle, knocking myself cold…Ah the childhood memories.
I visited that gigantic hill as an adult and it shrunk to a tiny rise in the street…How does that happen? Non the less I was out cold.
Sorry to hear about your computer and I hope your son is okay, poor thing!
Oooooo Tani Boy, Hope you feel better soon.
Here is Grandma’s story about how she got her ankle got in the spokes of the family bike some 50 years ago. Me and my three brothers were on the bike; I sat on the back seat and one my brother was peddling as fast as he could cause we were all late for school. Suddenly, my foot got caught in the spokes of the back wheel and down we went. There was blood all over and I couldn’t walk. I was crying hysterically that the good samaritan neighbor several miles down the road took me in and bandaged me up. I’ll never forget that dismal morning when all of us turned around and went back home only to get a scolding from my Mom. To my brothers – she said, of the two of you, how could you let this happen to the only sister you have!!! So there my Tani Boy, Hope you feel better and I’ll see you in 4weeks so we can go the Circus Circus. Love Grandma.
poor little guy….
i am a new follower, would you care to share the color of your den? would you consider it a dark or light color? I am wanting to paint yellow, but don’t want to go to dark in my room.
oh my gosh! to both pics!
Ouch! poor baby. Your son that is.
POOR TANI!! Such a cute little sad face, though. *HUGS*
that’s the saddest face I’ve ever seen! Poor lil man!
Your poor little guy. That’s a big ouch. Hope he recovers quickly. Oh and your poor fried computer.
You are a triple gold star blogger for snapping a picture of that face. He’s going to look back at that picture fondly one day and tell his kids about the time he wiped out on his skateboard. π
oh my…. his poor little face. I hope he feels better soon.
Looked just like this little guy! Hope he feels better!!!
Work from home
Poor little guy!!
Poor little mite. Hope he healed quickly π
ah poor little guy! oooohhhh so a new computer?!! that is always fun!