Oh, that Amy Butler…what will she come up with next?
Have you seen her Gum Drop pouf pillow patterns?
I have been entertaining the idea of sewing one up. But hey, apparently that’s what friends are for.
My friend presented this to my boys for their birthday. No Damask Rose prints here (to my chagrin). It’s all superhero business in this household.
Just when you settle in for a cozy read of “Little Quack”…
Someone comes in and plows you over.
Nevermind that you may have been minding your own business…
Or that mom may be trying to get a good picture of the Pouf Pillow.
Defending the universe is exhausting work.
This thing should be looking like a pancake in no time!
(Thanks Lindsay!)
I recently visited this home and I was taken back at the beauty of this simple home turn into a model home. All the decor and pieces were thoughtfully sought out, made-over and placed stragetically for optimum exposure in its rightful place. I was simply in awe. Great job and keep up the motivational artistry. You inspire us all.
very cool. love the pouf pillow….everyone needs a few of these!