Tell him those birds freak me out, too. I once had a pet lorikeet just like them that was crazy like Cujo. (But don’t tell him about Cujo- that’d be going from bad to worse!)
If he is like my son, the crying was intense, but the “chatter” afterward to his friends and family about how he held a bird…was even more SCARY!! LOL!!
Oh that is so cute…I wish my boys were a bit more like him when it came to animals. They love all animals and hug them as if they’re stuffed animals…not good!!
Poor guy! Ironically, I just read a blog post from my sister that featured my nephew with a similar response to the cup-o-goo for the over-fed green bird…
PS- hey I have a question for you…how do you get your pictures so big on your blog? I have mine set to “large” but they are no where as big as yours. If you have a minute will you let me know? Thanks! ๐
ohhh so sweet. Poor guy, I hope this won’t scar him.
@fijiangirl, I know right.
Tell him those birds freak me out, too. I once had a pet lorikeet just like them that was crazy like Cujo. (But don’t tell him about Cujo- that’d be going from bad to worse!)
Hahaha! That’s hilarious! Kudos to the person taking the picture for snapping it at the perfect moment.
He’s going to laugh about that in a few years. ๐
If he is like my son, the crying was intense, but the “chatter” afterward to his friends and family about how he held a bird…was even more SCARY!! LOL!!
Oh that is so cute…I wish my boys were a bit more like him when it came to animals. They love all animals and hug them as if they’re stuffed animals…not good!!
Poor little guy. I hate when you think you are taking them to do something fun and that is how it turns out.
Poor guy! Ironically, I just read a blog post from my sister that featured my nephew with a similar response to the cup-o-goo for the over-fed green bird…
Oh no!! Look at that BIG tear under his eye :*( Poor lil dude. I bet he’ll never forget that (w/ help from the pic too).
Awwww, bless his heart!!! That is so sad and precious at the same time I can’t stand it.
Aww, poor thing!
Aawww that is so sweet. Poor thing.
yeah those things freak me out too! who likes something to land on your arm that could turn around and poke you in the eye??
Aww, that is so sad yet so cute at the same time!
PS- hey I have a question for you…how do you get your pictures so big on your blog? I have mine set to “large” but they are no where as big as yours. If you have a minute will you let me know? Thanks! ๐
I can totally relate! We visited a Butterfly House ~ totally freaked me out when one landed on me… and it was a butterfly not a bird!
Just not into things that “swoop”.