It never occured to me that some people must mow their lawns year-round! We get a hiatus from October – May. I’m headed to Scottsdale this week and am looking forward to tomorrow’s forecast of 86!
ah, 80 degrees just seems too far away right now. i wish for the warmth and heat, green grass, etc. etc etc. things are so ugly right now before our little spring flowers pop up.
I am so jealous, 80 degrees! I think it is funny that he is wearing a long sleeved shirt!
It never occured to me that some people must mow their lawns year-round! We get a hiatus from October – May. I’m headed to Scottsdale this week and am looking forward to tomorrow’s forecast of 86!
I wish it was me that was having grass stains and 80 degree days. I am so jealous. Miss you!
This proves that there is life after death…or at least life after winter…I’m headed for Tucson!
I can only imagine what I would give for 80 degree weather right now! I’m so jealous.
Love the picture of the boys feet!
ah, 80 degrees just seems too far away right now. i wish for the warmth and heat, green grass, etc. etc etc. things are so ugly right now before our little spring flowers pop up.