Over a decade ago my boyfriend (at the time) bought this bike at a garage sale. Suprising because that boyfriend (who turned in to my husband) would rather go to the dentist then go to a garage sale. This bike has been with us ever since, collecting a lot of rust on every square inch. I wondered if I could work a little magic on it.
Sweet bike. Now go get ye a helmet on your head to protect that noggin. We have bike restoration going on here with my husbands 41 year old schwinn Sting Ray and no, I have pictures of us riding it sans helmet too.
all you need now is a lil basket and some muffins…lol
Mr. Goodwill Hunting
You did a great job and I love the pic of you riding π
Sweet!! I am thinking of doing this to Isabella’s bike when it gets passed to Max this spring…he has already chosen the colors, which don’t go over well with Isabella I might add!
You look beyond adorable on your newly improved ride!
It looks fabulous. You did a great job of restoring it. Cute pic of you. Hugs, Marty
Great job on your bike! You look adorable riding it!
how totally adorable are you? i mean, really! your bikes is pretty sweet, too, but with you on it it can’t get any sweeter!
how totally adorable are you? i mean, really! your bikes is pretty sweet, too, but with you on it it can’t get any sweeter!
how totally adorable are you? i mean, really! your bikes is pretty sweet, too, but with you on it it can’t get any sweeter!
how totally adorable are you? i mean, really! your bikes is pretty sweet, too, but with you on it it can’t get any sweeter!
how totally adorable are you? i mean, really! your bikes is pretty sweet, too, but with you on it it can’t get any sweeter!
that is just too cute! i love it. it is perfect.
LOVE it!!!
forget about that bike… you’re stinkin’ CUTE! ok, ok, amazing work on that bike too, but geesh, why wait so long to share a baby bump pic when you look that dang good?! π
You look absolutely ADORABLE! The bike is pretty sweet too π
How cute do you look preggo on that fabulous bike!
I’ve been dying to do this to my hand-me-down bike but have been overwhelmed by the project. If you can do it pregnant then I should be able to handle it now! It looks fantastic.
Freckles in April
ohhh how cute are you!?!
WOW, You got ambition Girl!!!!!
Ive been dyin to see a pic of your baby bump and that last picture totally delivers! You’re a doll and I LOVE your new “ride.”
Wow, it looks brand new! I’m really amazed that an old bike can be finished so well. I’ve been wondering what can be done with rusted metal. Someone just gave me a brassy fireplace tool set that is quite rusty. Any idea how to repair that?
Great job!! Looks awesome, you are too cute with your baby bump π
You look gorgeous! and that’s one sweet ride!
Looking good, It’s amazing what a little spray paint can do.
Wow the bike looks awesome!!! Great job and you look so cute riding it
So jealous! I just posted about my new wheels that was left under the tree for me this year! Unfortunaly we have 7 inches of snow!!!
Awesome. We love biking as a family. We usually go every Sunday when the weather is warmer. I love the beach cruiser, you look ready to be transplanted back to Laie!
what a great bicycle makeover. It looks beautiful!
What a wonderful present…and you got it twice!! Adorable picture of your bicycle baby bump!
You have such great style so I would LOVE to see what your nursery looks like! Any plans to share that with us?? π
That is such a cute “retro” bike! I love it! You did such a great job fixing it up. The thought never crossed my mind to do that to an old bike! I can’t wait til the spring time so my hubby and I can start riding again π Doesn’t it make you feel like a kid again?!
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Good Grief Michelle..Does everything you touch turn to gold? Great job. You are endlessly inspired.
I love it! How cute you look too!
I love the new cruiser you did a wonderful job. Now I need to start searching craigslist for one of my own!
Sweet! Some cute paisley stickers would girly and glam it up too.
I love it! I’ve always wanted a cute bike like that to cruise around with the boys. But, the resident bike expert at my house has lots of objections to a) more bikes (he has 3, why can’t I get another?!) and that style of bike because “we’re not hipster enough”. Sheesh. π Every year I enter the Madsen giveaway because I think the only way I’ll ever get a cute cruiser is if I win it!
You’re looking adorable, by the way!
what can’t you do Michelle? You are crazy talented. You look super cute sporting your baby bump on that bike!
wow! that looks incredible! I’m impressed with your DIY abilities even while super prego! You’ve got me on craigslist searching for beat up bikes i could bring back to life…
VERY cool!!! I love the crispness of the white! Can you also tell me where you got your very cute flats??? π
I love this post. My husband tried to do this with a bike but end up, taking the whole thing apart & not being able put it back together.
Did you just tape up the exposed metal?
I took the whole thing apart then couldn’t remember how to put it back together. My husband saved the day and stepped in to put it back together for me. And yes, I used a whole lot of tape for the parts I didn’t want to get spray paint on. Hope you can get it back in riding condition!