I’m convinced if you want boys to do something, you’ve got to bribe them with a little dirt.
They’re attracted to dirt like white on rice.
Can’t get your boys to come to the dinner table? Serve up a side of dirt.
Can’t get them to pee directly in the potty? Throw in some dirt.
4 boys in the barrow…aren’t they cute?
they ARE cute!! curious to know what you’re doing with the dirt!
Those wheel barrow pics are the cutest!
I had that song stuck in my head today, it’s so funny you used it. What cute pictures!
awww they are so cute. I love lil boys…they just are who they are 100%…my son reminds me daily…
Hmmm, for some reason I can totally relate to the boys lovin dirt post…& can I just say that your bedroom is lovely and really looks like a page out of elle decor (one of my fav magazines!)Well done! ;-D
So, so true!
Those boys are tomorrow’s Dads. They are the cutest. I can’t wait to hug and squeeze them. Love Grandma. What is the dirt for?
PS – Can you come design my rec room?
Those boys are tomorrow’s Dads. They are the cutest. I can’t wait to hug and squeeze them. Love Grandma. What is the dirt for?
PS – Can you come design my rec room?
Cute pics, reminds me of days of digging rocks out of my yard, with a little girl riding in the wheelborrow…to bad that was the days before blogs…but what the hell…I didn’t even take pics, so what good would a blog be???Daaa…
awe they are so sweet…I would like to have 3 boys and 2 girls one day, haha 🙂 Hope they’ll be just as cute as your children 🙂 Wish you all the best, Erika
Talk about a tub full!! How cute is this. Love those little boys!
Have a wonderful day and remember, life is too short to not take time to enjoy your family.
Hi! I’m Anne and I am in love with your living room. I mean, In. Love. Sooo…
can I blog about it? Would you mind if I used one of your pics on my blog with a link back to yours?