As we unpack more and more boxes this week I am finding I just don’t have room for all the stuff that used to be in our AZ house. So here’s just a sampling of more stuff I’m selling.
I’ve had several people ask if I would ship things.
At this time I’m going to give first priority to locals and if it doesn’t sell I’ll gladly ship.
Framed Cork board $50.00
Ruffled shower curtain from Urban Outfitters (here), currently sells for $79.00.
Your price tomorrow: $25.00
Tall yellow lamp and red lamp: $20.00 each.
Vintage Redwing Stoneware jug: $50.00 (in this pic it looks like it’s a lamp but it’s just a lamp behind it).
Wish I had a better pic of this but the Mr. put it in the garage this week and this was the best shot I could manage. I was surprised to see how much these go for on Etsy and Ebay. Upwards of $800.00
Tomorrow: $175.
I’ll be selling some vintage frames (as seen above)…ranging from $15-25.
Did I mention I have TONS of baby stuff?
Car seats, bouncers, toys, clothes, a rocker / glider chair.
Email for my address at:
smhinckley (at) yahoo (dot) com.
***I’ve had several people ask if I would reserve things for them. Unfortunately, I’m not that organized to run the day tomorrow and keep track of all the reserves. I so wish I could be more accommodating. It will be first come first serve.***
I so wish I could come tomorrow!! Darn prior engagements!!
Can you give me the dimensions on the cart catalog?? I’m super interested and live in Orem!
Thanks dear,
xo Becca
michelle, are you letting anyone buy things from you out of state??? i would love to buy some things from you. i could reimburse you for shipping. let me know!
Is the card catalog wood or metal. What’s the size and do you still have it or is it sold???
I would love that shower curtain but I`m in canada.. would pay for shipping 🙂
if you havent sold the shower curtain, i want it! 🙂 i live in sandy and could come get it tomorrow.
Have you sold everything ? Also, if not, are you still open to the idea of shipping?
Have you sold all your stuff?