Funny how your design style is largely influenced by your life’s circumstances. Living with 4 men (+ a grandpa) I find that I have to cater to a more masculine style. I love pink but it just doesn’t fit within the current theme of my life right now and that’s fine. Over the years I’ve definitely found the attractiveness in steel, deep moody colors and rich woods. Which brings me to our latest addition. Meet Tanker…
My teenage son needed a desk upgrade from the desk he had previously.
Remember this old science table? I had a galvanized steel top made then aged it to look like zinc.
This table was such a handsome piece but not functional for a messy teenager who needs drawers to hide all their trinkets, notebooks and art supplies in.
I went on a hunt for a new desk. My requirements were it had to be masculine-esque, small-ish to fit in his small-ish room and outfitted with drawers.
Finding the perfect desk took long time. I finally put a request out to a vintage Facebook group in Utah (similar to Craigslist where people can sell anything vintage and much more user friendly). This smaller Tanker desk gem came up.
Of course you know me and vintage anything…it’s my love language. Added some accessories and voila…here’s your new desk kiddo.
This isn’t the teenage son…
I caught the middle boy being enamored with the typewriter and had to snap a shot…luckily the teenage boy wasn’t home or there would have been a territorial show-down.
(Moms with boys…you know).
Love it! I have 2 girls but the territorial show-down is just as fierce:)
#TheStruggleIsReal right! :/