Kristen, I’ve used all spray paints and seem to have best luck with Krylon. You probably are spraying too close. Hold can 12-14 inches away. Do light coats, let dry, re-coat. Patience is a virtue with spray paint (and I guess everything else in life). Good luck!
very cute! for valentines day here i made a delicious meal as well….however, my boys love me so much they gave it the thumbs down and 1 out of three ate?!
You have some beautiful little men there, Michele! Happy Love Day!
xoxo Pattie
So cute Michelle!! You’re a great mum! Hey ? for ya…what type/brand of spray paint do you like and why does mine run? Am I spraying too close??
I’ve used all spray paints and seem to have best luck with Krylon. You probably are spraying too close. Hold can 12-14 inches away. Do light coats, let dry, re-coat. Patience is a virtue with spray paint (and I guess everything else in life). Good luck!
very cute! for valentines day here i made a delicious meal as well….however, my boys love me so much they gave it the thumbs down and 1 out of three ate?!
What a great lady you are – lucky boys!
What a cute setup! Hope you had a great Vday!
Super cute cards!
Love the cards and the Valentines dinner. That is so sweet!
lovely!! great blog..just came across it!
You really put a lot of effort into your Valentine’s Day set up! Those boys surely are loved! good job. so pretty!