I’m always excited when I find a store that sells quality furniture pieces at reasonable prices.
Enter Interior Addict…they carry fine designer furniture reproductions that is affordable.
I have wanted this Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe Style Barcelona Day Bed in white (of course) for YEARS!
I have the perfect place for it in front of my fireplace.
They specialize in reproducing the classics from Eames and Saarinen to Juhl and Breuer (just to name a few).
I like to think of the classics as a pair of blue jeans…they go with anything.
Then there’s the classics in high definition color!
I love when a designer uses a bold pop of color in a overall neutral space.
Interior Addict has everything you need to furnish your space to include rugs, lighting, sofas, beds, storage chest of drawers, dining tables, side tables and seating.
I’m so setting my husbands laptop screen saver to this:
If he still uses the excuse that he doesn’t know what to get me for Christmas after that blaring hint then he’s…(I’d better not say).
Psst! By the way, you can say 10 pounds instantly by signing up for Interior Addicts newsletter!
*This is a paid post written by me. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine.*
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+ http://www.manhham.com/
Hi. I love your blog! You have fantastic style and always recommend great products. I like this site but I am wondering if you have been able to order from them. According to their site they deliver to most European countries but it does not mention shipping to the US. I may have overlooked this (hoping this is the case!)
I had the same question. I visited their site but didn’t see any information about shipping to the US? Thanks!
The leather and chrome chair is to die for. I would go crazy to have a pair in our home!