Remember these pictures? I’ve had a lot of requests to see the “after pictures” and I’ve finally got the room almost pulled together. I just need to change the overhead lighting and some coat hooks (which Jake is protesting) and it should be just the way I want it. .JPG)

That looks absolutely AMAZING! I love your style! It looks like it could be straight out of a home decor magazine. I love, love, love it!
i just came across your blog and I am in love! I love stripes too but when I do them the paint always seems to bleed under the tape. do you have any tricks on how to make sure that doesnt happen?
This is exactly what I want to do in our upstairs loft. I tried to explain it to my husband (who’s not quite as visual). Now I can show him what I mean and I’m sure he’ll love it! Stunning!
So is that one of the prison-inmate recovered wingbacks?? It looks GREAT!
that’s an amazing effect – love it!
oh my gosh this looks FANTASTIC! I love it. I can’t even imagine how time consuming getting the lines equally spaced and straight must have taken…bravo!
WOW! I luv it!
This is absolutely fantastic! what alot of work too. I love it. mishelle
This is beautiful! The colors are so serene and yet fun!
AMAZING!! You are super talented!!
holy cow- this looks INCREDIBLE. I absolutely love it!! kudos to you for what i’m sure was really hard work keeping all those lines straight and spaced evenly!!!
That is just awesome!You really should have that in a home decor magazine.Your entry way is awesome in itself,and then you put your stlye on top of it and it’s amazing!!
I just stumbled upon your blog and will now be an instant follower. I adore the way you have decorated your home. The charkboard paint on the curved wall is soooooooooo cool!! I have just started using charkboard paint on almost everything and it is becoming an addiction! Thank you for the posting!
What a boldly fantastic entryway!
I can I just buy your house, instead of redoing mine?
Love the chalkboard wall. Did you make that with some sort of blackboard paint or did you buy it? I’m a teacher and would love to know how to achieve this look for my home… as an accent wall or something.
Thank you.
You can buy chalkboard paint at almost any harware store either paintable or sprayable. You can even get it tinted to almost any color you want. I bought mine at Home Depot.
Happy painting!
can you share the grey color paint you used?? it’s so perfect!
Michelle – Your eye for design is truly amazing and inspiring! I recently bought a house and did a total re-do, but have been stumped lately on decor. You have just inspired me beyond belief!! Gotta go shopping… 😀
P.S. Your blog has just become a fave of mine!
bless your soul for doing horizontal stripes on curved walls. what’s the trick for leveling them on the curves? it’s gorgeous by the way!
I used a big long level and when every 2 feet to make sure I was level. You can also use a lazer level that sticks to wall.
Im actually really sorry that I posted your pictures without crediting you! I lost track of where I was taking them from…
I am AMAZED at how gorgeous your home is! You did a great job.
I have “stalked” your blog for a while. I love every design idea you post!! I’m looking for table lamps like this one, but having a bit of a hard time finding. Would you mind sharing where you got them? thanks! Lizet
Talbe is from Walmart. I sprayed it white.
How long did it take you to do that area? I think it’s amazing! I am currently working on my spare bedroom to add one wall with stripes.
I had some extra time today (whats that?) and read through your blog. I am so impressed with your style and the ways that you incorporate simple yet bold lines into a clean and bright space. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! Proud of you, old friend. I hope you get this Sam-E job. You so deserve it.
Wow! I am so in awe. I’ve never seen a hallway that looked to perfect.
The layout of your home looks very unique. I’d love to see a floor plan. 🙂
absolutely stunning is about all I can say!!!
WOW! What a strong and striking space! Love it! I have been searching high and low for a bistro tables similar to what you have in your hall (the one with the metal/iron) legs. Would you mind sharing where you found that?
Many thanks!
wow. that took some work girl!
Looks GREAT!
Love your blog!!
i am speechless. this is simply amazing.
so glad i stumbled across your blog, i am hooked.
I was just looking to see if anyone asked the wall colors, shocked they didn’t. I want to try this on our wall behind our bed in the Master….What colors did you use?
omg!! i love your entryway!!
do you have a post about the whole process of decorating your entryway?
i would love to learn from it 🙂
it makes me inspired right now…
STUNNING hallway! thanks for sharing!
Love it. I’m getting ready to paint a wall with stripes. How wide did you make your stripes? I have a wall that is 157″ and I’m thinking of making 9″ stripes which is 17 stripe. Do you think that will look good?
Gorgeous! can u pls tell me what color you used for the stripes?