I’ve been working on giving our basement guest room a makeover. It’s needed it.
The basement bedroom has been the catch-all for odds and ends.
Junk, really.
Just junk that is too important to land itself in the garbage.
I’m slowly working on de-junk-i-fying that room so it can be a proper bedroom.
The problem is it doesn’t currently have any storage for guests when they come to stay.
Well it does but I’ve the two closets and the chest of drawers crammed full of guess what?
I’ve been looking for a solution for guests to use to hang their stuff without giving up my precious closet space or putting permanent hooks in the wall.
Then I found it…
The Umbra Hub Ladder from Fab.com.
I love the modern minimalistic look and it just leans right up against the wall.
Perfect solution for a guest room where storage may be limited. It’s the ideal place to hang extra towels, an extra blanket (also from Fab.com) for chilly nights and a key on the side peg in case they need to get in the house when you’re out.
In turn, they can use it to hang clothes and accessories on (since I’ve got the closets already full).
No more wondering where things are.
Loving these side pegs for keys, jewelry, glasses or a watch (this one is also from Fab.com).
It also works as a great storage solution in a bathroom. Perfect accessory for extra towels and magazines.
Don’t forget that Fab.com is giving away a $1000. shopping spree to their site.
Click here to enter.
I love the look of leaning ladders but they always make me wonder how stable they are. From the toddler stage (when they might try to pull up on the ladder) to the running, throwing balls in the house or just yanking things off of it in a not-so-delicate way kid stage that seems neverending, it seems like these might end up falling over on a guest.
Nice idea. So inspired. Thank you for sharing. I love it, you can pt it right where you need it.
Thanks Evelyn! 🙂