I’m slightly obsessed with gift wrapping.
At the Blogger Social I recently attended we had a gift exchange and I brought these
boxes full of a “few of my favorite things”.
Thanks to my sister-in-law Erin, she whipped up those custom tags which I’ve since attached to everything under the sun.
Cute, right?!
Erin has allowed me to share these tags with you (thank you Erin).
Before I do, let me tell you a little bit about her.
You may remember me highlighting her previously as being my very talented blog designer who owns Designer Blogs.
She and her staff are highly sought after for designing every aspect of people’s blogs.
On a more personal note, 5 years ago, she and her husband, Mike,
were blessed to be able adopt a beautiful boy who is their pride and joy.
Since then, they have been praying to expand their family and adopt another child.
Adoption is a tricky task these days. It’s not just a waiting game anymore.
Parents are told they must be extremely proactive and pretty much go find “their child”.
They are hoping to adopt again.
If you know anyone who is considering placing a child for adoption please keep
Mike, Erin and Bryson in mind.
Go here to learn more about them and their story.
To download these tags, right click, save and print.

Hi michelle,
I work for the AZ state adoption program and those children always need a good home. These children have no family. Have your friend contact her state adoption agency!
what a beautiful story, they are so blessed with a their son and I hope they will find a sibling 🙂 God is big!!!
Thank you for tags, they are amazing.
My colleague is in the process of adopting a little girl who is currently living with her grandmother, who goes to their church. Dad was a question mark, and mom was only 17 when the baby was born. Grandma is not financially or emotionally prepared to deal with an unexpected grandchild, so my friend and her awesome husband are in the midst of all paperwork. The little girl is nearly three and just as precious as can be.
(I would offer my 25 year old who is STILL in grad school, but then realized that y’all are nice people and I tend to be snarky. I would blame menopause, but in reality, it’s just me.)
love love love it. and what a beautiful message too.
Wow, a sister-in-law that owns designer blogs! You’re one lucky girl. I’ve purchased a few templates from her team and they’re fantastic.
My husband and I actually adopted a little boy just over three years ago too, from same agency (in fact, their social worker was with us when we went to pick him up, as ours was out of town–great gal!). They’re an adorable family and I’m sure when the time is right they will find their new little miracle baby. Adoption is one of the greatest blessings! Birth mothers are my heros, too. Good luck to them.
And, I love your blog, Michelle. I think you’re amazing. I’ve read it for a while and often wondered if you were part of THE Hinkley bunch (turns out you are). I’m really glad you live in Utah now too, so close to me (even though we don’t even know each other). Thank you for being such a wondering inspiration.
I love the tags! These are perfect. I am going to print some right now. Gorgeous packages! I am so inspired.
Love the tags. Many Thanks 🙂 Prayers going up for Erin and her family.