Want some rocks or dirt?
I’m sick of looking at them.
Please come take them off my hands.
Make yourself a pretty river rock bed or a big mud wrestling pit.
My Sweetie has dreams of building a rock wall but we’ve got enough work inside that those rocks will be sitting there for years. |
It’s all yours people!
(Located in Salt Lake City, UT).
(Located in Salt Lake City, UT).

Did you list it on KSL?
Did you list it on KSL?
Did you list it on KSL?
Did you list it on KSL?
Yep, listed on KSL and CL!
We’ll be happy to take it out of your hands 🙂 I live in bluffdale.
*off your hands
OH wow! I wish I lived closer to get them. I have to perfect place for them…OH well. **le sigh**
Contact me at smhinckley(at)yahoo(dot)com.
I’d to have those rocks! Too bad I’m in Washington state.
Are these rocks still available,where do you live
thanks scott
All gone. Sorry but thanks!