Good morning shoppers!
Only 5 shopping days left until Christmas and I have done NO shopping yet.
None as in zero, zilch, nada.
Time to panic!
In the meantime, Are you in love with all the arrows popping up in fashion and design?
Today I’m guest posting over at Remodelaholic about my latest DIY arrow ornaments that I made from paint sticks.
Remember my Polyvore challenge and giveway for 2 -$500. gift cards to School House Electric? I was SO impressed with all the fab boards you guys came up with. There is some serious talent out there. The two winners are:
Jordan Embree is the winner of our Home Depot/P&G giveaway!
Congratulations friend, you’ve won Swiffer 360 Duster Kit, a can of Febreze, Bounty Paper Towels, Dawn Soap and a $200. gift card to the Home Depot!
(Jordan, you have 24 hours to claim your prizes or I’ll have to move on the next winner [deadline to claim is Saturday 9am MST]).
All I’d love for Christmas is for you to hop on over to the Season’s Cleaning giveaway and vote for my project…
you may win $5500. in winnings to the Home Depot and Merry Maids!
I am so glad that first room won! It made me want to move in.