I came accross Autumn’s post on Design Dump this week about her DIY deer head and had to give it a try. The template suggests using foam core but I lost my patience with my exacto knife and gave up opting for poster board instead (foam core defintely looks better if you have some time). Download template here.
Out of all my projects my boys thought this 30 minute quickie was the most “awesome”.
So very interesting! I like it!
SO going to do this for The Boy’s room!! I’ll post pics when it’s done!!
I remember seeing this too. Awesome in the frame and on that yellow wall though! My nephew is coming to live with us this summer and I will definitely be doing this for the room he’ll be staying in.
I can’t stop laughing at this… I have admit I didn’t picture this in your house. But it proves you can do anything!
Lol! Love it!! Did you put it in your den?
Michelle, too fun! I had not seen this!
Art by Karena
It is pretty awesome !
What a fun project!
I love it. You never cease to amaze me.
i love it!
i actually looks really cool in paper–very delicate.
and i love how graphic it looks in all white, and the frame around it is so great!
nice work!
Love your DIYs. You really need to make a book!
Looks darn good for poster board
How fun are you! Love it.
Michelle, Your home is absolutely stunning, I love it! and what a DiY rockstar you are!!! thanks for your sweet comment!
It’s actually very choc. And it’s better than a dead animal!
Oh how I wish this was going on my wall then the real thing! My husband went to Africa last August and a few of his friends will be arriving shortly to grace my walls, oh God help me and my poor house!
Hi Michelle, I think I went to school with you in BYU-H. Your blog is so fun, great design ideas.
I actually like them much better than the musty/dusty 70 year old moose head and buffalo head in the sitting room at the Lava Hotel, (yuck!) Maybe I’ll forward your blog…