Browsing my Tucson Craigslist today and came across this stainless steel and leather trunk. I just love it. Such an interesting and unusual find. I love the traditional and modern elements together. Wouldn’t this look great as a coffee table? If only I had a place to put it. Not too bad for $100.00!
I love that! don’t you love craigslist?. My friends and family think I have a serious problem. Good eye.
That is a steal and such a unique piece! I really need to give Craigslist a chance.
Nice piece but glad you passed on it. There will be more to come. See you August 20th – Can’t wait.
very unique love it!
That is such a steal! I want to say Pottery Barn recently had something very similar for over $1,000.
They are at Pier 1 right now! At least in Oklahoma! 🙂
my hubby bought me a brass trunk at an antique shop for my birthday that i love…100.00 was a steal for that trunk girl…