Well folks, we’re done with the bunk beds.
Such. A. Relief.
It’s a huge inconvenience to have two boys displaced from their room.
And when I say “inconvenience” I mean for everyone else but them. They didn’t give one iota.
The construction dust alone was enough but having their clothes, toys and mess strewn all over the house…oy.
It’s been a long process…but one that would have been longer had we followed through to completely to do the whole thing ourselves.
You guys know I’m not afraid of a good DIY project but sometimes you have to know when to let a professional take over.
I had the plans, I had the time set aside, I gave the Mr. sufficient notice so that he could mentally prepare…
then at the last minute we pulled the plug on doing it ourselves.
With the amount of climbing, jumping and clowning around our boys would be doing on these bunks we just didn’t want to run the risk of the thing coming crashing down and squishing someone because of our diy mistake.
Cue Carpenter Dennis, who can do literally ANYTHING!
Seriously, this man walks on water in my book and he doesn’t bat an eye when you change your mind in the middle of the project or ask him to add things.
We asked him to get everything constructed but leave the caulking, sanding, painting and finishing touches for us to tackle.
Without further adieu…
I found this vintage map at a school auction and it fits perfectly.
A big shout out to my mom who is an amazing seamstress and sewed up the curtains. We had today as our deadline to get everything done for a big reveal on Studio 5. After realizing I was completely out of time she drove up from Vegas just to help me get these curtains sewed in time.
It’s simply putting two pieces of fabric together so they are double sided. No loops or pockets. We attached them with ring clips and can be easily reversed.
We made the ladder with plumbing pipes. Goes along with chrome and steel theme plus it gives a touch of the industrial look.
The wall board is 5 1/2″ tongue and groove mdf. I’ve used in in two other places in my home…sort of obsessed.
I found these sconces at a consignment store several months ago for $20.00 each.
When I saw them I knew right away I wanted to use them for the bunk beds I had in my mind.
They are my favorite thing about the entire room.
The nooks are one of my other favorite parts about the room. Perfect for some books, alarm clock and other trinkets boys love to collect.
The light is from Home Depot. I went in for plumbing pipes and sort of just bumped in to it. I love when serendipity happens… love at first sight.
The curtain rods are actually just 1/4″ plumbing pipe.
Home Depot had 1/4″ fittings but not the actual pipe so I bought the fittings and went to a specialty plumbing store (England’s Plumbing) and bought the pipe.
I’ve been wondering why we didn’t do this scenario sooner.
The boys LOVE them!
The curtains have definitely been the cherry on top.
I did them as a cute design element but the boys report that they feel like they’re sleeping in a cabin of a boat.
They’ve been reading in there (with force mind you), playing board games, talking on the phone to grandma…
It’s been cute.
5 1/2″ MDF Tongue and Groove: Huetter Mill
Curtain Fabric: Home Fabrics
Wall paint: Pure White, Sherwin Williams
Dressers: IKEA
Vintage Map: Public Surplus School Auction
Chrome Lamp on Dressers: IKEA
Anchor Pillows: Caitlin Wilson
White Light Fixture: Home Depot
Drawer Pulls: Restoration Hardware
Studio 5 feature:
HOLY COW!! It looks amazing!! Now I want to move my boys back together in the same room and build some bunk beds! HAHA
He! He! I’m thinking of switching rooms with them and sleeping there myself! 🙂
Do you have plans for these bunk beds?
No, sorry I don’t.
They look great – such a fun boys room!!
this is gorgeous!
Thanks Heather!
Soo… when can I move in?!
The room looks amazing, I’m so jealous of the boys!
Oh it really does look fabulous !!! How envous their friends will be 😉 your mom rocks for driving up to help you finish …
… Envious
Yes, their friends have been playing in the room with them. It’s the cool new hangout. Hope it lasts! 🙂
love, Love, LOVE. Did I say I love it?! So well done. Bravo!
Fantastic! So clean and fresh, my boys would love these too. I love the lighting and the ladder.
Thanks Amanda!
(You were adorable on tv today too)
so stinkin’ good! reminds me not of a boat, but of a train with a sleeping spot….maybe that’s just how it is in the movies. I loooove the nook!
I like that…train sleeping quarters. Coolio!
Love it!!! With boys I have a set of bunk beds for them as well would be fun to do a custom unit too….just curious where did you find your carpenter help? KSL? Craigs list, referral? I always find the flakiest help when it comes to major projects around our house…..would love to have someone do a bang up job, stay on budget and timeframe lol!!!
That is the million dollar question Amber! I would say 1% of the tradesmen I’ve worked with are good and reliable. The rest of them are so flaky. I hate to make general statements but seriously, I don’t know what it is with that profession? Dennis is actually family through marriage. He is the BEST I’ve ever worked with. Says what he promises, is meticulate and I does quality work. If you find any great guys (plumber, painter, carpenter, etc.) please pass their name to me. I’m always on the hunt for good peeps!
Oh my gosh! I LOVE it!! Time to pin this room for inspiration later!
WOW BUT WOW! – turned out great. Glad you can bring your vision to life. When I grow up, I want to be a visionary just like you, visualize and realize it in real life. Great Job you two. Love Mom.
Thanks mom! You rocked out the curtains! Thanks for all your support and help. Love you!
Love the built ins bunks, so fun! Curious if you will be selling the old headboard (are they slipcovered)?
Thanks Carli! Yes, headboards are for sale. $75.00 each. Let me know if you want them.
I want a similar panelling in my bathroom and I love yours! I saw your link to Huetter Mill and called them – they said they don’t carry that? I’m so confused?
Yes, you’re right…they don’t actually carry it but they get it from one of their suppliers. It only takes a day or two to get it when you order. When you call, ask for Doug 801.263.9437. He’ll get you all set up. Just mention my name, Michelle Hinckley (he may roll his eyes and say “oh yah, her”…I had to call back 5 different times and keep ordering more because apparently I don’t know how to use this thing called a measuring tape. 🙂 Please share pictures when you’re done! I’d love to see how it turns out!
Absolutely fantastic makeover! My little one will be transitioning from a crib to a toddler bed soon which means a room makeover for him. Love the dressers. You mentioned they were from Ikea. Which ones are they and did you do any DIY to the dressers?
Hi Christine, Thanks for your comment. Nope, didn’t do anything to the dressers. I like them so much I went back the other day to get a third for my other son and it looks like were discontinued. Boo.
This is AMAZING! My noys would love a room like this. Now, if only I can find the time…
Such a gorgeous boys room!!! It goes so well with the rest of your house too! Such an incredible design. The only thing that would still look great in the room were those large metal letters that were in the before picture on the dresser. Maybe on the wall somewhere? Those letters are awesome!
Yes, we still haven’t really decorated the walls yet. But the metal letters will be back! Thanks Andrea!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this whole room! The bunkbed is stunning…BUT…shouldn’t there be something like a “railing” for the top bunk, so whoever is sleeping up there doesn’t fall out?!?
I thought the same thing. The bunk beds are absolutely amazing but (and I hate to be sounding like a paranoid helicopter parent) you really should have a rail for the top bunk, regardless of the age of the child up there. Any age child can injure themselves (I truly, truly hate being alarmist but there was a 16 yr old girl in my old home town who fell off a bunk while she was sleeping and died two days later from the knock to her head). Maybe just research it a bit?
Ack, I meant to add a smiley face to sound more friendly and not so judge’y! So here are three… 🙂 🙂 🙂
Thank you Catherine. (Also, appreciate the three smiley’s). 🙂 🙂 🙂
Shut the front door! This is soo crazy cute, I can’t stand it. Beautiful work!!
I love it! Especially all the industrial-style touches. 🙂
I love your wall lamps! What consignment store did you find those? The room looks great!
Found them at a consignment store called Home Again. 🙂 Thanks Jennifer!
Wow, this is amazing. And plumbing pipes for the ladder? How industrious! Where did you get them?
Home Depot will sell and cut pipes for free. Cool, eh!?
OMG Amazing! But no surprise there, you are awesome;) I have a board of just bunk-beds and this is is so getting pined as my new favorite.
I am so impressed with all the creative planning – built in lip to hide the curtain rod, double-sided fabric, lamps, nooks, and drawers at the bottom. Absolutely fantastic! You thought of everything and look at all that floor space freed up!
Best ladder. Ever. And umm… best parents of the year award! I’m kind of jealous that I’m not your kid #adoptme
Where did you find the cute nautical pillow cases? They are darling!
Caitlin Wilson Textiles. She’s online. 🙂
These are super cute! Love them! Great job!
These are amazing. I love the built in look, it makes them look like something in a high end cottage. I will have to keep this project in mind for when I have more kids and they grow up.
Simply Amazing Michelle!!! You never cease to amaze me!
You can quickly guess correctly that I was a teacher during my working years, so it makes me crazy that steal is used where you meant steel. First time for seeing THAT one – lots of two/to/twos and they’re/there/their out in the cyber world – but who knew steal/steel would get mixed???
Thnks so moch for ponting that out to me. Ill get it correkted rite now.
I make spelling mistakes like that occasionally in posts too- but not because I don’t know which is the correct spelling. It’s because I’m typing fast, made a typo, but because it’s the correct spelling for some form of the word my spell check doesn’t flag it and so I don’t notice it. I’m sure it’s the same for Michelle- I would bet anything that she knows the difference between “steel” and “steal”. 🙂
He! He! Thanks for having my back Brooke. I swear I’m a gud spelr most dayz.
Beautiful job Michelle! I bet those little men LOVE their new space! Loved every little and big detail – very thoughtfully done and keeping in mind that it will be boys living in the space. I can only imagine that they were as excited about this as you were! I would love to find some feature of this and say “Gee I really liked this” but the fact is that I loved ALL of it!!! You hit a grand slam Mom!!!
Thanks Girl…You are always so kind and supportive with your comments. Always appreciate your thoughtful words! Best, Michelle 🙂
What an amazing and creative idea! The bunk beds turned out wonderfully and the curtains are a great added touch.
love ALL the details! definitely pinning this!
thanks for sharing~S.
Oh, my stinking lands! I just found your blog, quite by accident over my morning cup of coffee here at the computer, and THIS post was our introduction to one another! I think I’d like to invite you over to sit at my dining room table for coffee. (I’d buy you a good cup from Starbucks!) And then, when coffee time was done, you could… OH, I DON’T KNOW!… just look around my house and say things like, “Let’s redecorate!” and “I have some AH-MAZING ideas for your living room and toddler’s bedroom, because it’s clear that home decor IS NOT your spiritual gift!” These bunk beds, with their steel pipe ladder, are absolutely the bomb. (Do people still say that? “The bomb?” Or did I just make myself appear like I’m not hip any longer? Because I’m not. I have a toddler who climbs our refrigerator, and I’m too tired to be hip and trendy any more. These days, I just hope to pull of SHOWERED and DRESSED IN SOMETHING OTHER THAN PAJAMAS.) Anyway, I just thought I’d leave a comment and tell you that these are the very best bunk beds OF EVER! Can you hear me standing up and clapping loudly for your accomplishments?
Jedi Mama,
You are SO funny. As yes, “the bomb” is out. I know because my son told me I’m so NOT cool when I used the same phrase last month. So I guess we’re both totally un-hip. Oh well. We tried, right?! I get ya girl, a shower is my ULTIMATE goal of my day. Thanks so much for your kind comment! Michelle
This bedroom rocks! I love your vision. The bunk bed is my favorite (obviously) and I can’t get over all the fabulous minute details especially those walls! The room looks beautiful, fresh and fun, well done! Just wondering, is there some sort of removable safety rail on the top?
Thanks Jesse! There isn’t a safety rail. My son who sleeps up top is older and I have no fear of him falling off the bed. 🙂
Did you post the plans somewhere? I love this and my teen son would really enjoy this style of bunkbeds. We have been looking for a way to make his room functional and stylish.
I normally diy most every project but we actually had a carpenter do this one for us. The Mr. and I were afraid that if we made one wrong move then someone could have gotten squished. 🙁
Wow!!! You have outdone yourself this time. It is amazing! Love your blog but this is over the top. Congrats.
I love decorating with maps. I really love your vintage map. Cool find!
I just found this featured at MixandChic.com- I love these built-in bunk beds!! All the details you put into them are so great. Someday when we are no longer renting I want to build something like this for our kids- and I’ll be looking to your awesome photos for inspiration!
Superb job!!
Wow! This is so fabulous – love it all. I’m blown away.
Love everything about the whole space…very well thought out. Nice job!
These are incredible! What an awesome space for your boys! Those curtains are amazing…..this is totally prompting a room redo for our boys 🙂
I am looking at the pipe ladder you made and I am developing an aneurism trying to figure out how you made that.
I know of no way to make a square closed circuit out of pipe and fittings without using a union coupling like one of these:
I can get 3 corners put together with no way to spin the last fitting to the pipe.
Are some of those fitting reverse threads or are there set screws I can’t see and the cross bars are slipped in or something?
How did you do that?
Okay, I think I might have figured it out, some of the pipes were tightened into the fittings and then loosened again to thread them into the opposite fitting.
If this is how you did it, are you worried about having them not tightened all the way for safety on some of the joints?
Did you glue or solder or set screw those joints to keep them from coming apart easily?
Which joints did you choose loosen to tie the sections together, the horizontal sections or the vertical?
Sorry for all the questions, I was in the process of making something similar when I came across you site and I want to make sure I am making something safe.
Hello, this is Michelle’s husband.
We worked with the horizontal pipes in order to link it together. We first assembled the right and left vertical pipes. Then we screwed in all the horizontal pieces into the left side as tight as we could get them. Then we set the right side on and simultaneously screwed them into the right side, thus unscrewing them a little from the left. Because we attached it to the bunk beds there isn’t much room for them to go. The bottom rung one did come loose and so I just put epoxy in each side to hold it in place. After it dried, it is solid. If you’re trying to build a freestanding pipe ladder you are definitely going to have to use something additional to hold them all together. Hope that helps. Jake
Okay, that is kind of what I figured. I am probably going to use the unions I linked to to make sure the whole thing is tight, Thanks for the info.
Do you have the plans for these bunk beds? Would like to build some for my girls but with a trundle underneath!
Unfortunately no. I actually had them made by a carpenter. I am pretty fearless about tackling most any project but I was afraid if something went wrong due to my lack of carpentry knowledge then my kids my get squished when the beds collapsed. 🙁 Sorry Megan.
This room is AWESOME!! Love love it! A job well done. Your amazing!
Love the bunkbeds! How did you guys build the ladder without using unions? The only way I know how to close a square is using unions. If you know a different method, please share!
Do you still have the plans for these bunk beds and if so are you willing to share? I’m in love!
Those beds are gorgeous! I can’t believe you made the ladder from scratch too. The room looks so stylish and clean and I’m sure the kids love having their own little space.
Thanks Sophia!
Brilliant! Genius!
This is simply amazing.
Standing ovation from me!
I went through all the comments – maybe I just missed it, but do you say where the wool blankets and gray blankets were bought?
Wool blanket is from West Elm. 🙂
Thank you!!
I’m planning on building bunk beds for my two girls very soon and I came across these. I absolutely love them!! They are perfect for what I wanting. I can figure out how to build it but my question is, what materials did you use? Is that mdf on the outside? Or just plywood that you finished to look like that? Thank you!
I would love to know how you got the ladder together. My husband and I are building floating bunks and cannot get ours together because of the threads. One side u twists when you tighten the other. How did you do yours? Love this room. Super fun and cute!
One side untwists*
So this is really tricky. We screwed one side on all the way…then when you start screwing it in the other side, the one side starts unscrewing. On that rung it will be screwed in both sides only half way. To help this put some heavy duty glue in both sockets before we screwed those in. It’s held up great so far. Hope that helps.
I fell in love with these bunks and my husband and I have just about finished 2 sets for our 4 boys. All we have left is the trim! Thank you so much for the inspiration my boys love their new beds <3
I want to see how they turned out! I couldn’t see them on your blog…have you posted about them yet? Yay!!!!!
Super job. Are your ceilings standard height? For your oldest boy, how much headroom does he have when he sits up in bed? I guess what I’m really asking is, how much space is there between mattress and ceiling on each bunk – I have tall kids, and wonder if they would be bumping their heads on something similar that was built into a regular height room.
Thanks for your help.
How big is the bedroom?