There comes a time when your child utters his first swear word.
Obviously, it’s shocking to hear your little “angel” tarnish his reputation with such profanity.
Obviously, it’s shocking to hear your little “angel” tarnish his reputation with such profanity.
At the same time, it’s also quite comedic.
The 2nd time “the word” is spoken, a stern talkin’ to is in order.
The 3rd time requires more drastic measures.
There’s no dirty word Ivory can’t wash clean.
That. Is. Awesome.
I love how it looks like he has actually taken bites out of it! You’ll be forever grateful you caught this moment on camera!
Michelle? That is just too funny. I have to admit this is tactic that my Grandmother used. This is one of those photos that you pull out when he’s married.
Oh…hysterical. Max just swore for the first time (that I know of!) the other day and when he got his talking to and time out I told him I could be washing his mouth out with soap, like MY MOM did to ME!!!!!
I just showed Max this post and he said, “that’s a mean mommy”…I say you are a SMART mommy!
lol @ the “mean mommy”. this is cute, and his face is too funny. good thing you got it on film. i bet it will be awhile before you hear another word like that!
Two things I love…it looks like you made him chew the bar of soap. 🙂 And his haircut…adorable!
i will never forget watching my mom literally wash my brother’s mouth out with soap, while i stood by feeling superior. awesome! i like your angle, a little lick can do some good!
My husband gets crazy when I threaten soap. He says it’s so gross and it’ll make them throw up. He speaks 100% from experience if that tells you anything. I had about 15 boys over for my sons 10th b-day a year ago, and it was like a scene out of the movie Sandlot. A lot of spitting and mild expletives. I guess its nature of the beast when you have boys!
Been there! Love the fact that you remembered to capture this moment!
Haha! Thank goodness for moms like you! I would like to use that trick in my classroom. 🙂
Love it, just used this picture as a “teaching tool” for my 3 and 5 yr old. Thank you for capturing that moment on camera:)
Ohmygosh this is awesome! You crack me up! I love that you took a picture. Once is all it should take! 🙂
This is hilarious. You are too funny and I bet he’ll be watching his choice of words from now on. : )
I did that with my daughter, but then once she tasted it she got really mad and started pitching a fit. The soap started to make bubbles as she tried to spit it out. She looked like a raving lunatic with rabies. It worked though! That’s the important thing, right?
That picture reminds me of some not-so fun childhood memories!
Lolololl!! He’s soo prety !!
That’s it. No more ugly names…
Thanks for being a good mom, and for taking a hilarious picture.
Lesson learned (I hope). My 11 year old son still remembers when he had to “rinse” his mouth out with soap… kinda like Ralphie from The Christmas Story.
I still can’t smell Ivory soap without thinking of the yucky chose the same soap as my mother I see.
I only had to bite on soap once and I never swore (or got caught) again. 🙂
I remember vividly my mother squirting dish soap into my little sister’s mouth. The irony is that my mother had a severe caca mouth herself.
He has it easier than I did: I had to brush my teeth with liquid soap!
That’s a classic photo, haha.
My husband used that ‘treatment’ with our daughter. I call it ‘making memories’.
I’ll bet he never cusses again…at least not around his Mother..
Your a good mom.
Love your blog!
LOL! My mom did that once to me, and never had to do it again!
Just did it on my daughter a few months ago. Pretty sure she will listen next time I tell her something is a bad word!
oh ivory soap, how i don’t miss your taste in my mouth….
that’s the same soap i had to wash my mouth out with when i was little!
hopefully he learns! i sure did! hopefully this is a lesson learned for your other little guy too!
To this day the smell of Ivory soap makes me gag for this exact reason! That’s one thing I will never forget!
lol! hilarious!
yeah – I can’t use Ivory soap to this day because the smell still bothers me from all my “eating soap” punishment. Sad but true – my mouth is much cleaner these days – promise!
yeah – I can’t use Ivory soap to this day because the smell still bothers me from all my “eating soap” punishment. Sad but true – my mouth is much cleaner these days – promise!
yeah – I can’t use Ivory soap to this day because the smell still bothers me from all my “eating soap” punishment. Sad but true – my mouth is much cleaner these days – promise!
yeah – I can’t use Ivory soap to this day because the smell still bothers me from all my “eating soap” punishment. Sad but true – my mouth is much cleaner these days – promise!
yeah – I can’t use Ivory soap to this day because the smell still bothers me from all my “eating soap” punishment. Sad but true – my mouth is much cleaner these days – promise!
that is awesome! He definitely will remember that taste! Hopefully, think about that the next time he wants to use a @$%# word! Haha – great picture!
you go girl! That’s the way to do it!
Cruel, not funny